Since their inception the Abrahamic religions have been obsessed with genitals — so much so that Jehovah commanded that his sign should be on every man’s penis through circumcision. Original sin entered the world through the genitals of Adam and Eve. Now we have idiots like Baba Ramdev and the BJP getting wound-up and fussing over other people’s genitals! Spending enormous amounts of money and energy fighting to curb the rights of LGBT people to live and love in peace and safety.
Strangely enough the BJP and Ramdev have joined cause with Muslims and Christian — both groups have an inveterate hatred of Hindus and see all Hindus as the fuel for their respective eternal hell-fires! Hindus joining causes with Muslims and Christians is like Jews joining cause with the Nazis!
The highest form of Dharma is AHIMSA – non-violence in word, deed or thought. Dharma is about spiritual evolution and self-unfoldment. It’s about personal self-transformation in the cultivation of compassion and development of Self-knowledge.
adrohaḥ sarvabhūteṣu karmaṇā manasā girā |
anugrahaśca dānaṃ ca stāṃ dharma sanātanaḥ ||
The Eternal Duty (Sanātana Dharma) towards all creatures is the absence of malevolence towards them in thought, deed or word, and to practice compassion and charity towards them. (MB Vana Parva 297;35)
Dharma is not about investigating, discovering or controlling other people’s genitals!
There are so many social evils in India like the pervasive culture of abuse of women and rape, rampant child trafficking – child-prostitution, corruption is destroying the country, Islamic extremism is on the rise, Christian missionaries are converting people by the thousands, industrial pollution, environmental degradation, cruelty to animals and on and on the list goes! But what exercises the minds of the “religious” more than anything else? What other people are doing with their genitals in their bedrooms !!
The squint-eyed charlatan Ramdev now has the dubious reputation of being the world’s greatest “Yoga guru!” If this be the case then he is the greatest fraud out and a disgrace to the Yoga community! He is out there proclaiming to the world that homosexuality is a sin, he detests gays and can cure homosexuality through yoga and pranayama! A sanyasi filing petitions against the decriminalization of homosexuality! And making himself a caricature and disgracing the Noble Dharma in the sight of the civilised world!
The great sage Patanjali the father of Yoga says:--
1:33 The cultivation of friendliness (maitri), compassion (karuna), empathetic joy (mudita), and equanimity to all beings (upeksha) — be they happy, sorrowful, meritorious or de-meritorious (bring about) the pacification of the mind.
These are known as the Four Immeasurables because of the immeasurable benefit they bring to all beings. They are also know as the bheshaja catusthaya — the four great medicines which alleviate the suffering of samsara.
The third is “empathetic joy” – rejoicing in the happiness of others and never doing anything to obstruct that happiness. Equanimity is seeing all with an equal compassionate vision.
Krishna himself has said that the highest ethical goal of the spiritual aspirants is Lokasangraha — the welfare of the entire world.
Instead of trying to impede and destroy the happiness of gay people perhaps the Right-wing Hindu fanatics and Ramdev should be working for the benefit of all sentient beings and be spreading the message of loving kindness, compassion and unconditional acceptance.
Instead of targeting socially productive gay people with such venom and hatred perhaps the baba and his BJP cronies should be focussing all their charisma and resources on attacking rapists, chauvinists, child-traffickers, pimps, drug-dealers, mafia, corrupt officials and politicians, crafty landlords, money-lenders and all the other riff-raff that are truly infecting Indian society. How are people loving and copulating with members of their own gender having a deleterious effect on society? As
Why are the Buddhists the only major religious community not to get caught up in genital hysteria and condemnation of others?
Strangely enough the BJP and Ramdev have joined cause with Muslims and Christian — both groups have an inveterate hatred of Hindus and see all Hindus as the fuel for their respective eternal hell-fires! Hindus joining causes with Muslims and Christians is like Jews joining cause with the Nazis!
The highest form of Dharma is AHIMSA – non-violence in word, deed or thought. Dharma is about spiritual evolution and self-unfoldment. It’s about personal self-transformation in the cultivation of compassion and development of Self-knowledge.
adrohaḥ sarvabhūteṣu karmaṇā manasā girā |
anugrahaśca dānaṃ ca stāṃ dharma sanātanaḥ ||
The Eternal Duty (Sanātana Dharma) towards all creatures is the absence of malevolence towards them in thought, deed or word, and to practice compassion and charity towards them. (MB Vana Parva 297;35)
Dharma is not about investigating, discovering or controlling other people’s genitals!
There are so many social evils in India like the pervasive culture of abuse of women and rape, rampant child trafficking – child-prostitution, corruption is destroying the country, Islamic extremism is on the rise, Christian missionaries are converting people by the thousands, industrial pollution, environmental degradation, cruelty to animals and on and on the list goes! But what exercises the minds of the “religious” more than anything else? What other people are doing with their genitals in their bedrooms !!
The squint-eyed charlatan Ramdev now has the dubious reputation of being the world’s greatest “Yoga guru!” If this be the case then he is the greatest fraud out and a disgrace to the Yoga community! He is out there proclaiming to the world that homosexuality is a sin, he detests gays and can cure homosexuality through yoga and pranayama! A sanyasi filing petitions against the decriminalization of homosexuality! And making himself a caricature and disgracing the Noble Dharma in the sight of the civilised world!
The great sage Patanjali the father of Yoga says:--
1:33 The cultivation of friendliness (maitri), compassion (karuna), empathetic joy (mudita), and equanimity to all beings (upeksha) — be they happy, sorrowful, meritorious or de-meritorious (bring about) the pacification of the mind.
These are known as the Four Immeasurables because of the immeasurable benefit they bring to all beings. They are also know as the bheshaja catusthaya — the four great medicines which alleviate the suffering of samsara.
The third is “empathetic joy” – rejoicing in the happiness of others and never doing anything to obstruct that happiness. Equanimity is seeing all with an equal compassionate vision.
Krishna himself has said that the highest ethical goal of the spiritual aspirants is Lokasangraha — the welfare of the entire world.
Instead of trying to impede and destroy the happiness of gay people perhaps the Right-wing Hindu fanatics and Ramdev should be working for the benefit of all sentient beings and be spreading the message of loving kindness, compassion and unconditional acceptance.
Instead of targeting socially productive gay people with such venom and hatred perhaps the baba and his BJP cronies should be focussing all their charisma and resources on attacking rapists, chauvinists, child-traffickers, pimps, drug-dealers, mafia, corrupt officials and politicians, crafty landlords, money-lenders and all the other riff-raff that are truly infecting Indian society. How are people loving and copulating with members of their own gender having a deleterious effect on society? As
Why are the Buddhists the only major religious community not to get caught up in genital hysteria and condemnation of others?